Saturday, December 20, 2008

I received a new cell phone the other day - I mistakenly threw my old cell phone in a public trash can and did not realize it until the next day. (Hey - I was holding baby wipes, a jar of baby food and some other things all at the same time). But yes, I am a genius. I like to call it my "rush to get to work while my husband keeps asking me about the water bill, my nanny keeps asking me about her vacation days and my son keeps saying "uppie, uppie mama" brain. It happens to all of us moms whether we work or not. At some point, too many people talk to you and make you forget everything that you are doing.

Can you honestly tell me you've never had the feeling that you are trying to remember what YOU need to accomplish and yet people keep talking to you? Didn't everything they say sound like Charlie Brown's teacher "wah,wah,wah, wah, wah, wah?" And yet, you were still able to understand what each person was saying!

Well, that is the reason I decided to start my blog. Becuase as moms we are the ultimate multi-taskers. And even though we have children, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, mothers, fathers, etc., at the end of the day, sometimes only other moms get it.

I don't intend to take over the world with my blog, but hopefully share some funny and interesting stories about my experience as a mom. We'll see if I have "funny" and "interesting" in me. You should also know that we love to eat, so if you're in LA or Miami, I'll have lots of fun restaurant postings, my family and I are weekend explorers, so you'll see a lot of child-friendly and family friendly activities, art lovers, so we'll have periodic movie, theater, museum reviews, and more.

Thanks for visiting my new blog. We'll be in touch very soon!


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